Friday, October 15, 2010

Tempura Pavilion

Download: Here

Video: (coming soon)

Images: (coming soon)

Tempura Pavilion is intended as a 4v4 CTF map that also supports Team Slayer and all common objective modes. It is a symmetrical map, with an upper pavilion area and a lower walkway. The walkways between bases are connected via teleporter. It provides a balanced, fast-paced, and extremely vertical playing field. The weapon spawns are as follows: 4x Health Pack, 1x Grenade Launcher, 1x Sniper, 2x Needler, 2x Plasma Pistol, 2x Needle Rifle, 4x DMR, 4x Plasma Grenade, 4x Frag Grenade, 2x Jetpack


Tempura Pavilion - Changelog (v0.1.0)

-Placed Neutral spawns around map
-Placed anti-respawn zones covering opposing team's base
-Placed safe/kill volumes to prevent leaving the play area

-Set weapon spawn times(in seconds): Health Packs(15), Grenade Launcher(180), Sniper(180), Needler(60), Plasma Pistol(60), Needle Rifle(60), DMR(60), Plasma Grenade(45), Frag Grenade(45), Jetpack(120)
-Placed Guardrails along center pavilion area

-Extended central support pillars to ocean level
-Placed Red/Blue team spawns
-Added cover to roofs of bases
-Expanded backs of bases for more room, added gravlifts leading to roofs
-Added health packs to backs of bases and to cover on teleporter platforms
-Added the following weapons: 1x Grenade Launcher, 1x Sniper, 2x Needler, 2x Plasma Pistol, 2x Needle Rifle, 4x DMR, 4x Plasma Grenade, 4x Frag Grenade, 2x Jetpack

-Completed placement of initial geometry
-Altered teleporter platforms for both teams to eliminate clipping issues
-Placed initial support columns under center area to break line-of-sight between bases.

-Placed remaining geometry for blue base and initial geometry for blue teleporter platform
-Moved flags from top of bases to platforms underneath bases.

-Began placing geometry for blue base and walkway
-Placed initial geometry for red teleporter platform
-Completed geometry for center dome

-Altered red walkway geometry for playability and to remove conflict with support pillar
-Began placing geometry for center dome

-Chose location near island, over ocean
-Placed geometry for center platform, red base, red walkway